What did I do wrong

So my friends mom likes to take her phone. So apparently when I texted her as in my friend about this theatre thing it was her mom. So she was being snappy and shit right? So I was like “you aren’t Mikki are you?” And she was like “yes I am I’m just in a bad mood” so I’m like “want to talk about it”. And she said “no” then I was like “ok text me when you are in a better mood”. Then today her mom actually texts me and tells me that I need to stop throwing temper tantrums and I was like “I never did” and she kept saying that that’s bull shit and how I made her kid download a black magic app. Then going on about how I’m rude and disrespectful and I’m never seeing her daughter again and I’m like “ya ok, I told your kid I didn’t care what she did”. And she was just being a bitch and calling me names. She’s done this with all her friends from Decatur when Mikki moves. This is the short story. She said I was a liar and disrespectful, I’ve don’t nothing disrespectful to her ever. I’ve even cleaned their house when they couldn’t due to having to help their grandma move out. Did I do anything wrong? I also don’t even cuss on text or at her house so her mom can’t have anything against me