What to do about this ???


Sooo. This my sound like it’s from a tv show but it’s actually real 😂 when I realised what was going on I was like DAMNN. So when I was around 6 or 7 this random man came to my house, I answered the door and I was completely shocked. He was the splitting image of my grandmother, I taught he was her brother because my great grandmother (still alive) has many children but I still haven’t met al of them yet. But apparently my mother was expecting him because my grandmother (let’s call her Diana) explained to her the situation. 😬 The man (let’s call him Roger) introduced himself as my great grandfather, I was confused because my I haven’t met my great grandfather on my fathers side and he was definitely not he great grandfather I grew up with. (We’re gonna call him Flint) But I didn’t deny it because he was exactly like Diana, same nose, mouth, eyes, they talk, walk and eat the same. It was really scary. But I was young so I was like OKAYYY 🤗. But my mom told me what Diana told her, my great grandmother (let’s call her Rose) lied to her ex husband (Flint, also the father of 6/8 out of her children) FYI Flint and Rose are still alive and healthy to this day 🥰. BACK TO DA STORY

She lied and told Flint that Diana was his daughter, she was kinda different from her siblings as they had straight Indian like hair and Chinese type eyes and an almond skin tone, she has thick curly hair, she has Chinese type eyes as well but her skin complexion is the lightest in the family. My grandmother said that when she was a little girl that one day Roger came to her school and stood outside the gate informing her that he is her father and Rose told him to stay away, and he did. He moved to the states and traveled the world, had other children but he still taught about my grandmother. So while in her mid fifties he decided to contact her, I’m not exactly how but they did because some how they lived in neighbouring states. They shared their stories, took a paternity test, and I don’t really know what else they did. But my grandmother kept it a secret from Rose that she was in contact with her biological father afraid that it could give her a stroke or something less harmful (sometimes my great grandmother can be dramatic) anyway me and my mother were in contact with him. My family doesn’t know that Flint isn’t my grandmothers biological father, only my mother, my aunt, my uncle, my cousin and I know. My cousin didn’t know until I told her last year because I couldn’t deal with carrying such a secret. But up until recently he died, and he died on my great grandmothers birthday 😬 so my grandmother didn’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do because I want answers, but it can cause a lot of tension in the family due to Rose lying for over 60 years (I have no idea how old Rose is but my guess is almost 70 because she started making kids at around 14). Somebody please tell me what to do, how do I get answers, everyone is afraid that my Rose could die soon and I’m afraid that if I ask her this it might kill her 🥺