Therapy session

Went in for my interview but when I sat down, she talked THE ENTIRE TIME. I only got to ask 3 little questions, and it honestly felt like she was just ranting to me more than interviewing me. She did talk about what my job would consist of, but then she went on about how she had a heart condition and can’t do a lot of the work, that her coworkers are protective over her, that one of them is the best of the best, the history of how long she’s worked there, and a few stories of what happened when they were slammed. She even went on to tell me the reason she was on vacation was because her mother in law is sick with some sort of brain condition. She didn’t ask any interviewish questions, and she never even checked out my application online because her computer is broken or something. I honestly think I’m going to look somewhere else. She seems super nice, but uh... yeah no.