Am i wrong??

Not trying to offend or upset anybody, its just how I feel.

I just recently had a miscarrige (6w3d) I've been open about my miscarrige with my family and close friends. Everybody is saying things to me like "I'm so sorry, if there's anything i can do let me know.." which I understand why they're saying things like that and I feel blessed to have a support system, I just hate how they're treating me like some kind of victim and not like they were before, they keep looking at me with sad eyes and I'm over it!

I was having a conversation about it with my cousin and I told her how I really felt. To me, this miscarriage is not sad, its not a loss and I want to move on from it. I feel like I didn't lose a baby. I saw what came out of me, and it wasn't a baby. I believe that anything with a heart beat is life, but at this stage it was not a baby. My cousin, told another family member and they told someone else and it created as uproar of emotion. Everyone seems to be offended and angry at me for saying these things. They're saying, I need to mourn and I need to value life more than this, and once the shock wears off I'll regret saying this.

Miscarriage's are common and normal. It may be a loss to some people, but its not to me.

Am I wrong for feeling this way? I can't help how I feel, everybody is making me feel like I'm some kind of monster.

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