
I try so hard and no guys like me. Or if they do they are fuck boys or dick heads

My best friend is constantly pulling guys. She is tan naturally because she is aboriginal, skinny, pretty

And I’m just here like bleh. I just feel like shit. Like she just got out of a relationship (3 weeks) he dumped her and 2 weeks later she is back in one.

Getting invited to parties because he is a cool guy and going in dates. I always have to initiate shit. Like she never asks to hang out first or plans stuff and never asks how I am going.

Only reason I know she is dating someone knew is becsudr is asked otherwise she would have said nothing.

I’m just so jealous and over it. Like I shit you know 80% of the guys I talk to go is your friend single cause her is hot

Like I can’t deal with it.

I’m jealous, feel unwwanted by guys and not cared about by her

Ps. I’m 16 in grade 11 from Australia

Here is a pic for reference

Me with no makeup and red cheeks

And us (I’m in red she is in white)

Like she is so naturally pretty and not even trying meanwhile I turn around and look fat and fucking tragic in the pic below

She’s black top I’m white top

Basically couldn’t be fucked with our friend ship. But I also care so much