Progesterone suppository concern


Hi Everyone!

I have PCOS and am seeing a fertility specialist. I took Femara 7.5 for 5 days, my follicles grew partially so they put me on the same dose for another 5 days. After an ultrasound we found two follicles that grew enough to possibly produce an egg. I did the hcg trigger shot and after two days am on the progesterone suppositories.

I took my first suppository last night before I went to bed. I haven't experienced a lot of discharge and examined myself this morning just to see whats going on. I found that things feel somewhat gritty and am experiencing a little bit of pain. Has anyone else experienced something similar? I'm just concerned I am using them right and need some guidance/advice.

I called the doc's office and am waiting to hear back from them.

I'd appreciate any help! Good luck to everyone who's also dealing with PCOS and TTC!