Conceiving with an ileostomy bag?


For the longest time I had Crohn's Disease which medicine did not help. It progressed to the point that I had to decide to live or die from soon to be colon cancer. I obviously chose life.. I ended up having a FULL colon removal in 2015. When I had my surgery the doctor told me beforehand that there would be a 30% decrease in my fertility. This almost caused me to not go through with my decision.

July will be 2 years since my husband and I have been TTC. I had 1 MC along with another suspected, but not known of. I have a period every month with varying days. (23d-28d) Supposedly everything is fine reproductive wise other than suspected scar tissue from prior surgery. Not sure I believe this due to how my cycles are also with no tests being performed. (Doctors that my insurance approve aren't the best)

I do happen to become malnourished from time to time. I know this can affect our chances. I never see or hear of anyone with an ileostomy along with no colon being blessed with a family of their own.

I have kept the faith for such a long time, though it is gradually slipping away. Any thoughts, comments, stories are appreciated!