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21 weeks postpartum; I say it in weeks because if I say “My baby will be 5 months old next week” I may cry (and not a cute cry, one of those ugly cries).

Most days I am so proud of myself for how effective I am at being a First Time Mommy; but then there are days like today where I feel like everything I do is wrong... Up at 4:30am, feed LO around 5:30am (4oz every 3-4 hrs unless sleeping *as she spits up anything over 4oz), stay up until about 6:30am since Daddy has left for work and then finish sleeping until 8:30am. Okay, normal day. Until.......around 10:15 I feed her her normal 4oz (we burp in the middle and at the end as her spitting up is better when we do so), all is well. Then out of NO WHERE my LO starts screaming around 11:00. I change her, burp her, colic hold, play her favorite song; I even went to the extent of changing her outfit because I just couldn’t think of anything else! Finally I caved; I gave her another 4oz. Letting her take her time and not forcing her to continue or stop, she took the whole bottle (* I was unable to produce breast milk, much to the chagrin of my birth plan). She then napped. Briefly. Like maybe 20mins. Okay, fine. LOL 3:28pm feeding. 5:36pm feeding. And finally a feeding at 7:22pm which should put her down for the night (sleeping anywhere between 10-13hrs normally).

I’m thinking 💭 growth spurt = cluster feeding.

But she’s also teething (I believe her bottom front incisors are coming in) which Dr’s say babies will loose appetite for.

So idk 😐 all I do know is we’re both breathing and she still giggles at my funny noises; so I’m taking today, even with a big cosmic mommy slap in the face, as a win.

Thank you Mommies for listening. 😊

And as promised... baby girl.