Birth Story FTM


Finally have some time to do my birth story

I had a pretty worrying pregnancy after being told my baby had a 5% chance of living due to lesions on her lungs and also being told that she was too small and I would have to have a c-section or be induced.

I was scheduled to be induced on the 23-3 after being in early labour for 3 weeks.

On the 21/3 I woke up to my waters breaking but without any contractions at 4pm

I started getting contractions half an hour later they gave me a morphine injection at 5:30pm but it wasnt enough as I was having bad back labour so at 6pm they gave me the epidural... it didn’t work so they gave me a higher dose through my epidural and it worked wonders. Once they could see how dilated i was I was only at 2cm.

I slept for a bit before my midwife came in and said they couldn’t find the heart beat anymore and would have to stick a monitor on the babys head. After half an hour of having that on... still no heartbeat... so the doctor tried again and attached it to her head and her beating heart was found after a vary anxious hour. The first monitor wasnt attached to her head at all.

At 2am on the 22/3 another check and only 4cm. Once that was done I slept until 4am when the contractions kicked back in as I wasnt pressing the epidural button for a while. Then I fell back asleep

At 4:20am the doctor came in the examine me again and I was fully dilated and crowning 2mins of pushing and a episiotomy and my beautiful baby girl was born weighing 7pound 9 ounces and 50cm long with a head full of hair.

During the process she had popped in the amniotic fluid and also had a knot tied in the cord. While the doctor got my placenta out it was falling apart. They said its lucky she came when she did.

Here she is Balie Ann 😍