Don’t even know what I’m feeling


Any other typical girl is late for 16 days would be caused because she pregnant.. but that’s not the case for me.. instead it’s 3 negative pregnancy test, in the past month I had a bladder infection and yes some stress who doesn’t have stress these days.. and I just feel like there’s no one to talk to every time I do go to talk I just get more annoyed at their responses; your stressing yourself out, what to see what happens at your fertility appointment, oh it’s almost only been a year, I know how you feel just be patient it’ll happen when you don’t expect it.. and now I know cycle behind over 38 days is not normal and not ok.. and all I am expected to do is sit here and wait.. I don’t know what’s worst wanting my period to come or not to come either way I know I’m not in a good situation and it’s constantly in my mind