

I’m a new mom and started back at work about a month ago. All of the other working moms have stories and advice for me.

One woman said she had the same arrangement as I do with my husband. She went to work and her husband stayed home with her son. She said she worked so many hours and never got to see her baby. He is 21 years old now and she is trying to get to know him.

I’ve been having a hard time finding a place to pump. I spend about 1:30 minutes a day trying to find a location and I’m worried because my milk is depleting rapidly. Another mom in my office told me, “It’s just too hard to breastfeed after you come back to work. You should just give up. I know a lot of working moms in the city. They all give up after a month or two.”

I work in fashion and one mom I know unfortunately gave birth during a market season. Her son is grown now and she said she was never once with her son on his birthday. It’s the busy season and she had stuff to do. In response my co-worker said, “I love her! She is going to get stuff done!”

I’ve been up since 3:45am because baby woke up early and I don’t even mind. Mornings are the only time I get quality time with my son and I was thankful to get a little extra time today. It’s market and by the time I get home, he will already be asleep. I miss him fiercely.

While I was out on maternity leave they hired someone else for my position. There are two of us doing this job now and it’s obviously not needed. The owner asked my boss, why do you have so many designers?!” Two weeks after I came back. Maybe they have to wait a certain amount of time after I come back from maternity leave before they fire me? It’s awkward as heck but the writing was on the wall when I got pregnant and started getting harassed.

After 10 years in this industry, I’m done. After four years in New York City, I’m none. After a month of missing out on my son’s life, I’m done. I’m moving to Nashville in 5 months if they don’t fire me beforehand.