Bleeding 9 days post ovulation

Hi all, I had an <a href="">IUI</a> on on 4/20 with Femara (7.5mg). I have been using 300 mg progesterone suppositories since 3 days PO. On 4/29 (nine days PO) , I had been having small uterus spasms on and off all day (almost like when your eyelid flutters) then around 10pm, had a bought of bright red bleeding. I attached a photo just to show how much and the color - apologies if it is TMI for anyone!! I have not bled since but I am curious if anyone has thoughts as to what is going on? I really thought I was pregnant until the bleeding - now I do not think that is the case. My Doctor advised to keep using suppositories and HcG test on Friday. Many thanks!!