TTC but worried. Need so advice.

Danielle • Im in my mid 20s, my hubby and I have 3 beautiful children. And are hoping for more.

Ok so my hubby and I have 3 beautiful children and are hoping for more. I have always wanted a big family. So we got pregnant and then sadly and unfortunately miscarried in June. So we tried again right after and success, I had a positive pregnancy test, not even a week later I unconscious in the back of an ambulance because I had a tubal pregnancy and my right tube burst and I bled out. Which caused me to have my tube removed obviously. This was about a month ago.

Now were keeping track of everything we do on the daily and being cautious, as we do want to wait a bit for my body to heal properly, but im wondering if theres anybody else with only one tube who has gotten pregnant, and how long it took you after trying? Im scared that I wont be able to conceive now.