My work pisses me off... do I have the right to be pissed?

I went to my boss with a complaint and showed my frustration everyday and even came up with a free solution, but she had to be the one to fix it, and she did nothing about it for almost half a year until I was gone one day and she had to take over my job and had the same issue as me and she immediately fixed the problem. She told me how frustrating it was to even deal with it for a day and said I “didn’t bitch loud enough” and laughed about it.

I also asked for a simple adjustment on the two machines I work on (I couldn’t adjust it myself the boss and supervisor only could) and nothing was done about it for months and the adjustment was only made to one machine.

I feel like this is bullshit and no one cares until I’m gone and they have to deal with the problem I deal with every freaking day.

Do I have the right to feel this way or... ?