Quick Question



I posted this on the wrong board so I'm going to post it here:

I just have a quick question for the ladies on here who have been pregnant/are pregnant.

So I'm a massage therapist and because of the way I work (always bending) I've been having a lot of problems with my back, specifically my lower back. I'm kind of worried that when I become pregnant that my back will get waaay worse to the point where it will be painful to just do simple tasks.

So I was just wondering if anyone could share experiences they've had with back pain during pregnancy or if they think that starting off with an already bad back during pregnancy is going to make it harder. Thanks in advance 🙂

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Posted at
I have pretty bad back pain and I don’t even do anything! My heating pad is my bestfriend


Elizabeth • May 4, 2019
Yessss literally life changing, pregnant or not 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


F • May 4, 2019
I was just going to say this ! I’ve not been pregnant, but always struggled with my back, and these are amazing!


S • May 4, 2019
I definitely need to get a heating pad then! 😃


Posted at
(Not back related sorry)Since I was a teen I've had terrible knee problems they're always hurting if I kneel or walk up or down a steep hill and even when I'm just chilling on the sofa if I don't move positions they lock and become very painful. I was really worried that being pregnant and having the extra weight would cause me more problems, it actually had the opposite effect I had hardly any pain in my knee at all.Obviously everyone's body reacts differently and backs and knees aren't quite the same but hopefully this will give you some hope.


S • May 4, 2019
It did give me hope! Thank you 😊


Posted at
You could wear a back brace?