Christians, i need help, am i bad like he says?

In the past, ive separated from my husband like 7x, due to his abusive behavior when he drinks. Hed hit me and i run away. But the last separation was because he flirted with women online, after ive already had a talk with him about it. He still managed to go flirt w women after the talk we had.

Anyways, he is beginning to follow God. Ive been born a believer. Everytime he drinks, hed yell at me about God. Accuse me of not believing in him, not taking him serious, playing with God, and thinking i can outsmart him. I told him all of those arent true, and he keeps saying that it is. That i need to admit my faults. He also always bring up all the separations ive had w him. He said he no longer trusts me, only God. He keeps judging me of being an evil person.

Like one time, he told me how amazing God is. That everything is because of God, that we need to be thankful. I agreed w him and he says i dont. He began saying that im going to have a lot of problems to deal with God. I have a devil in me. He said its my problem, not his. He also began saying that we both have different Gods. I told him they are the same. And he began acting like im playing around and taking this as a joke. I told him im not, and he began saying that i need to admit my mistake, and quit it. I never did anything like he said.

He said i will get punished by God. I have a devil in me. He makes me a very evil person. Because ive failed him and God.

Idk what to say to him or do at all. Any advice on what i need to speak out of?