UPDATE: Birth control question...

UPDATE: Thank you everyone for the responses and suggestions. The college couldn’t help but she was able to get an appointment with the local Health Unit bright and early Thursday morning.

So I’m going to keep this anonymous since it’s more about my daughter than myself..

She’s 19, just finishing her Freshman year in college. She has always said she would not have sex until marriage and that she didn’t need BC. Welllll, she’s now “in love” and sexually active. They use protection but she wants BC ASAP. I called a couple of places and they can’t see her until October. We have insurance that would cover her 100% but it looks like that will take forever.

So, my question is where can I take her where she can be seen soon? Are there other types of places other than a gynecologist that can see her?

Thank y’all!

Would the health Unit be planned parenthood? I’ll give them a call tomorrow. I googled but didn’t see an actual planned parenthood near us.

I have no idea why it would take so long. It was close to closing today so I only got ahold of two. I called asking if they had anything available soon and was told they were booked until October.