Provera + Femara - First cycle TTC with help! Join me



Had my visit with fertility specialist today and came up with a game plan to hopefully help me get pregnant. DH and I are both 27 and have been TTC for 1 year. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism - otherwise healthy in all other aspects. Husband is healthy and semen analysis results came back terrific. We tried two cycles of clomid 50mg Jan & feb, unmonitored, but it did nothing and I did not ovulate. I’m outlining my next steps below as well as any supplements I’m taking. I will be updating this thread as I progress and would love for anyone to join me!

Provera- May 6-May 15

Femara- Day 3-7

Blood tests/Ultrasound- Cycle day 12, 14 & 16 to check for ovulation

**possible**- trigger if needed


Balance-Alani nu (fertility doctor was very impressed by it and asked where I got it)

Prenatal-Alani nu

Evening primrose oil- until CD7