First IUI 10 dpiui currently...


This is my first <a href="">IUI</a>, with 100 mg of clomid for 5 days, triggered on april 24th and <a href="">IUI</a> on 26th with progesterone suppositories every night since. Took an HCG test at 7 dpiui and was negative, so I know the trigger shot was out by then. Took another HCG test today (10 dpiui) with a BFN. it was later in the day and my urine was pretty clear, so I’m hoping it’s just too early at this point!

My symptoms so far have been so awful. My breasts hurt so bad that it literally feels like someone is crushing my chest. I have body aches daily, back pain, fatigue, cramping, severe bloating and gassy.

Can anyone relate? Has anyone taken a test 10 dpiui and ended up with a BFP? Needing some reassurance at this point! 🙏❤️ TIA! 😘