How to Support a Depressed Boyfriend

My boyfriend is going through what appears to be typical depression. He’s sad and tired all of the time, and i’ve noticed a big change in him in the past few months. It started a few months ago when he pulled a hamstring during a physical test for a job, which disqualified him from the position. He graduates college next week, and should be overjoyed, but he’s not excited at all, and says he’s more stressed than anything. He takes his feelings out on our relationship, and makes an argument out of everything. I recognize the symptoms in him because i’ve dealt with depression in myself and in close friends and family.

However, my boyfriend doesn’t believe in depression. He refuses to see a therapist because he thinks it’s a scam. He refuses to acknowledge his feelings, but he knows he’s sad and not himself.

I want to help him, but I know that anything I try to do is useless unless he wants to help himself and get better. I refuse to give up on him and our relationship because I know what a wonderful man he is when he’s himself, and I know he needs support more now than ever.

I guess i’m just looking for any advice that anyone might have. If you’ve maybe been through something similar, or if you know of anything that might work to get him back to himself. I’d really appreciate any advice. 😩