He just doesn’t listen...

Okay, so my “boyfriend” and I have been together over two years and are currently expecting a baby in the next couple weeks. I put boyfriend in quotations because I thought we broke up last night, and then today I got these messages. He’s acting like nothing ever happened.

He’s an on again off again drug addict. He’s been sober for most of our relationship, but the last few weeks he’s been smoking pot and drinking to the point of puking. I know a lot of people don’t thing pot or alcohol is so bad, but with him I feel like it’s just going to trigger his addict behavior. Plus, I have our child to worry about and this isn’t what I want for her. Due to this, we aren’t living together. I told him last night all of my concerns and all he said was “I don’t know what to say”. Honestly, it seems to sum up our relationship because I always feel like I’m giving 150% and he’s giving 10%. He didn’t even try to say anything about my concerns and went to bed instead.

Now he texts me this. What should I say? I love him and do want to see him and work things out, but I don’t want him to think he can just show up and all our problems disappear.

Help! How would you respond in my situation?