First heartbreak - please help

So I’ve been in relationships before and been broken up with before. But I never really cared. I never loved them and they never loved me. This time I feel like my heart has been ripped to pieces. I loved him. I could see a potential future with him. I can’t imagine not talking to him every day any more. I can’t stop crying or thinking about him. He was kind and respectful when he broke up with me. He said he loved me but that he thought we were going in different directions/at different speeds and wasn’t sure if it would work long term. He thought something was missing. He said he felt like he’d been hurting me lately because he’d been more distant and that the last thing he wanted to do was continue hurting me. I don’t know how to get through this. I feel silly for being so upset since we were together for just under a year. But he was my first real love and I’m afraid I’ll never find that again.