Bloody show? 38+6 weeks


So yesterday at my doctors she checked me and I believe did a membrane sweep. I don’t know for sure because she didn’t tell me but the check she did hurt a lot more than usual and I felt her fingers do a circle like motion a few times. She told me my cervix was soft, I was thinned out (didn’t tell me %), baby was low and I was dilated to about a 1 cm. I had slight cramping after nothing crazy. I’ve been losing my music plug for about a week. Before my appointment a huge hunk of it came out when I went to the bathroom and even more came out when I was in the shower. My cramps after the exam went away by the time I went to sleep last night. I just woke up to use the bathroom and when I wiped I noticed a big amount of mucus and this time it had blood in it. Is this normal after a sweep? Or is this my bloody show? I’m having period like cramps but they’re not uncomfortable really just a dull like pain. I didn’t take a picture because i didn’t have my phone but I found this one online that looked like mine. Mine had a little more brown in it but not much.