

My little boy is ebf and will be 5 months old tomorrow. He has never been a good sleeper and this past month (probably even longer than a month to be honest) with the 4-month sleep regression has been so hard! My partner has mentioned a few times now that we should give him a bottle of formula before bed but I’ve not really wanted to do that. I have nothing against formula and would not think twice about giving him it if he needed it but really don’t think he actually needs it. I just think he wakes up and can’t self-sooth. These past few days have been really hard though, with some nights not even getting an hour stretch of sleep and I’m now thinking I will try anything. But, I just don’t know. I don’t want to give him formula for it to upset his tummy or for it to have a negative effect on him. I’m just so confused. Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me? Or has anyone went through something similar and tried a bottle of formula at night? Any tips or ideas are much appreciated 😊