Braxton Hicks?


So I've had Braxton Hicks off and on the last few weeks (32 weeks now). They usually just feel like my uterus flexing. Doesn't hurt, doesn't really bother me at all. Today I was taking a nap with my boyfriend before he had to go in for work, and I felt my uterus tighten, but it was painful. Not as painful as my menstrual cramps, I've always had bad menstrual cramps and used to even faint from them. It hurt in my belly, but also in my back. I've had a few more since, but pretty spaced out. In between though I've had mild cramps on my lower abdomen (right above pelvic area) and in my lower back. Is this normal? I've also felt some pelvic pressure. I had my MFM appointment this morning and all looked good, not sure if I should be worried or not.