Why my next birth will be a natural water birth.

Haily • Engaged • 22 • Happy Mama Son 7.29.18💙 Son 2.23.22💛

This is just a rant on how my labor experience was at the hospital with my first child.

1. When he came out they were so eager to weigh him that the nurses stood in the room sighing and crossing their arms until I was done holding him, they didn't even do skin to skin, like I had asked.

2. When weighing him and doing all of that I had asked for his blood type and they said I didn't need to know, but rh runs in my family so I wanted to know.

3. While learning to breastfeed they said to just formula feed him because he was a preemie and he needs the fat. He was 6 lbs 4 oz at birth.

4. They didn't let me have the lights on during birth, only the big one. They also pressured me into getting an epidural.

5. The lactation consultant didn't see me until the last day I was in the hospital even though I had asked probably about 6 times a day. I was there for 4 days cause he had jaundice.

6. My baby had a hard time latching and so I pumped and bottle fed because they had given him a binky before letting him nurse without asking me.

7. My nurse wouldn't let me down in the nursery because "I needed to rest" but I already had slept alot while she wasn't on her shift.

8. They did the carseat test 3 different times. He was crying because they neglected to change his diaper 2 times before the test. They took him without me to the nursery for the test.

9. In the nursery they would squeeze his hand to keep him awake while feeding which lead to bruises.

10. They were feeding him formula instead of my pumped breastmilk because it was "easier". I had SO much milk.

Never will have another baby in the hospital. Worst birth experience ever.