Need to vent...


It's not officially Mother's day but I'm already disappointed. For 4 years I've gotten up with the kids, youngest is 2, while hubby sleeps in. I have slept in maybe 5 times, excluding weekends at my mom's. I asked him yesterday if we could go get plants today and spend time as a family since apparently I'm having breakfast with just his mom and I tomorrow. He says no cuz he has a bunch of work to do and his dad should be here to go fishing.

On the flip side my mom is making me feel guilty for not seeing her when she made plans for herself and never even included me. Plus I sent 2 links for possible gifts for my mom, they are in store only, store is 45 mins one way and he works by there... nope he forgot.

I thought the weekend would be different since its Mother's day... he never offered to do anything I wanted and instead of letting me go see my mom I'm stuck with his.. normally I like her but her unwillingness to travel for our family is bugging me. She'll go 2 hrs for a city wide garage sale but not 2 hrs to my mom's so we can all be together.