Almost one and the night struggle is real


Hi all,

My baby will be turning one in two weeks and he is a great napper. You put him down and walk out of the room and he’s out anywhere from 1-3 hours. He still takes naps twice a day and he eats three solid meals and bottles throughout the day. Since about the end of March he has been going down to sleep at night after his routine just fine but within two hours he is awake and crying clinging to his crib. He still sleeps in our room as we live in a small apartment however unless he comes and lays with me he won’t go back down. We sleep trained at six months and that helped a lot but even when I try to go back to that it seems as though nothing helps other than snuggling him until he dozes back off and moving him back to his crib for three to four hours until he wants me again. I am a first time mom so any insight helps!