Reflecting on motherhood


While doing my early morning pump session this morning, I found myself reflecting and reminiscing on the last 2.5 years. Today is a bitter sweet day as it reminds me of the struggle,sacrifice (it takes a lot of pump and nurse all day haha) and beauty there is in motherhood. I have been so blessed over the last (almost) 3 months with precious time at home with my babies. Did I accomplish much at home? Nope. But I had the opportunity to hold what matters the most, my daughters. I thank God everyday for giving and entrusting us to parent these beautiful babies. Has it been easy....nope! But I wouldn’t want it any other way. So today I will bask in this gift of being their Mommy and enjoy the last few precious days I have at home where my only worry is, how can I best love my babies today?

Thank you God for these little lives ❤️

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommies!