Is it possible I'm pregnant?

So in March I got my period like clockwork, 28 day cycle on a Wednesday (The 20th). I'm on a combination pill Wymza FE. I've messed up a few times with my birth control where I would breakthrough bleed, like once I got my period a week early and had it for 2 weeks afer missing I think 2 pills. Besides that my cycle is regular. So after my March period I missed one pill (I have missed one pill quite a few times and haven't bled) and a few days later (in the beginning of the third week) I started bleeding (Sunday April 7). It lasted until Friday. I was taking the rest of the birth control pack religiously during this week of bleeding but it was just like a light period. It stopped right before my inactive week started. During my inactive week I didn't bleed at all. I think I had a pink tinted discharge once. My period was supposed to come on April 17. I took a dollar tree pregnancy test on the 22 and it was negative. So after my inactive week of no bleeding I started my new pack. Now I am technically back on pill schedule but now it's 5 weeks without period. I just finished this month's bc pack and I'm supposed to get my period this week. I am cramping a bit and my nipples are tender. Could I be pregnant? And if I was, was that implantation bleeding? Thanks