The number truly doesn’t matter!!!

So I would always hear that the number on the scale didn’t really matter and that you can look healthier and more toned at a higher weight than a lower (because of muscle and healthy fat) but I never truly believed that until now. I always thought to look my best the number had to go down. That was my mindset until now. Over the past year I’ve lost 75+ pounds and my weight has fluctuated quite a bit. (Didn’t lose the weight in a healthy way and don’t recommend how I did it) I started out at 5’9 215lbs, within this year I got down to my lowest which was 133lbs. Looking at these pictures it was so confusing to me because I’m currently sitting at 150lbs and don’t look that much different and actually prefer my body now more than I did at 133lbs. Over the past 3 months I got myself so worked up over the fact that I was gaining weight back but now after actually analyzing these pictures I’m realizing the number doesn’t determine anything. I let that number dictate so much for me and put so much worth on it and to see myself at 150lbs and feeling better and more comfortable than my lowest 133lbs feels good. I just want to let anyone else who struggles with that number to know it’s ok and it’s going to fluctuate but a lower number doesn’t give you a higher self esteem.