Ugh, I feel pregnant. (UPDATED)

Think I may be pregnant again. We use pull out method. Obviously it's not 100% and is not the best method, but it's not the end of the world if we were to become pregnant again, but we are not "trying." Well I feel so nauseous and keep getting menstrual cramps but no bleeding which is exactly how it felt when I founded I was pregnant with my baby girl. I have been super moody lately too.. definitely could be PMS, I EBF.

Husband got in the heat of the moment and forgot to pulled out a little over 2 weeks ago. I was pretty upset but no point in crying over spilled milk kind of deal. It is what it is, so after that I told him I wanted to wear condoms due to not wanting to get pregnant again so quick .. but condoms didnt work out.. the rubber from the condoms have been irritating my vagina so bad since giving birth and thing are a little sore still. And I will NOT go on birth control ever again

So here I sit, getting ready to take my first pregnancy test at 10 weeks pp.

Wish my luck ladies, might end up having to cheat on you guys with a new baby board/ group. 😂

Side note: husband is excited to go be getting me a pregnancy test. Makes me question if he actually accidently forgot to pull out 🙄 (he is super excited to start trying again in the future, which is cute... but like I said I wanted to wait a bit to heal more and continue my breastfeeding journey longer.. )


Not Sure if it's a evap or positive.