Feeling off today

Kelly • 39yr old looking to conceive my first baby with the love of my life my amazing boyfriend 😍😘

Okay this is gonna sound crazy but it’s how I’m feeling today.

I’m keeping positive this cycle and not getting myself worked up or getting my hopes up to be pregnant with baby 1 after our miscarriage.

So, I feel funky off today and have felt not myself since Wednesday of last week. I ovulated on Monday and we had BD on Sunday...and today I feel totally off not bad or anything just funky like not my norm and I know I’m not explaining this well but I’m not even sure how.

Just wanted to here I’m not going crazy lol. What really threw me off was on Thursday night my fiancé when I was super emotional and crying for now reason he said girl why you acting all preggo. Then yesterday when we are playing around in the pool he asked me when I get insurance at my new job. These are statements and questions he’s never asked me before and he isn’t someone who asks without reason.