My partner constantly questions my Diet


Hello star shines. I’m 10 weeks 2 days pregnant. My partner and I are in a unique situation in that we live in different states and are not moving in together until next month. I was still working full time and have been exhausted. I sleep all the time and struggle to get to work. I’m vegan and a good cook and usually I cook for myself and for him. However I feel queasy all the time and tired and just do not have the energy to cook so I’ve been eating a lot of packaged soups and frozen meals for the time being. My partner has been asking me over and over again if I’m eating enough. He keeps saying he thinks I’m tired because I’m not eating enough and doesn’t understand that I’m tired because hello, I’m making a baby. I try my best to eat well. I’m really drawn to fruit it’s the easiest to eat so a lot of bean soups and fruit. I understand his frustration that he can’t be with me to take care of me, but hearing “I’m worried you’re not eating enough” and “I’m worried you’re not eating right” every single day has touched my pregnant nerves and I’m tired of it. I’m doing my best. We got in a big fight over the phone tonight. I was sobbing saying “please stop badgering me constantly! I know you’re worried but it isn’t helping my mental health and that’s bad for me and the baby.” He would not apologize and would not back down saying it wasn’t his intention. I get that it’s not, but it’s having a negative affect on me emotionally nonetheless.

I know this seems petty, but it’s the first really big argument we’ve had since I’ve gotten pregnant.

Any advice would be appreciated. I feel so defeated.