Husband rant...

Anybody wanna kill their husband every weekend? I feel bad complaining about mine because he's a really great guy and he's far from lazy but damn, men just go about their normal lives as if they didn't have a baby. Okay, sure, they didn't haave a baby but it takes two and you're supposed to be a team and all that crap. Weekdays are a little less frustrating because I'm home with the baby all day, he works, he comes home all exhausted and whatever I love spending time with my little one and I did it all day so for the 3 hours hes even home and awake my standards for how much he's gonna help are low. Weekends though...weekends really get under my skin. It's like this baby is MY responsibility and he just helps at his convenience. I'm formula feeding and honestly can't imagine how much more I'd wanna kill him if I was ebf. He feeds the baby maaaaybe 2-3x a WEEK. The rest are all me. And those 2-3x? I have to ask him to do it. Could ya just do it on your own???! The baby is crying and I just told you it's been over 3 hrs since he ate. Use your brain. I mean damn! It gets under my skin so much that even when he does offer to do something, half the time I decline because he's going to do it in a half ass way and he's only offering because he doesn't want me to be pissed at him. I realize he cant win here and I'm being difficult but holy shit moms are super human. Every single one of you is badass! We are sleep deprived, full of emotions, worries, hopes for our little babies and just continuing to o kick ass. As a mom you have so little time to just be yourself or think for yourself and you have to adjust to that literally overnight. Dad's though? Life goes on as usual. 🙄 My husband has paternity leave after my leave is up and I'm really hoping it opens his eyes to how hard this job is... because right now I just wanna kill him.