Sore boobs a week after sex? Or ovulation side effects?

It’s been a little over a week since I had sex, it was unprotected he pulled out but he put it back in for a second as he finished cumming. He doesn’t cum a lot and it doesn’t really shoot out either so I thought I would be good since I wasn’t ovulating. It’s been a little over a week since then and it’s been 2 days after ovulation according to glow but my boobs are sore, not so much the boobs more like the nipples. I’m also getting some very light dull cramping. Could this be a early sign of pregnancy? Or is it like a side effect of ovulation? I’m still having some ovulation discharge too. And before you say it I know the risks of pregnancy and I can get pregnant any time during the month. I’m going to get on bc after my next period. Thank you in advance!! ❤️ EDIT: JUST to clarify I did NOT have sex during ovulation. I said I had sex a week and some days BEFORE I started ovulating 🙄