I’m Not Sure What To Do🤦🏽‍♀️

Okay so today my sixteen year old got suspended from school and I’m not sure exactly how to discipline her, or if I even want to for that matter. So here’s the story so, supposedly my daughters best friend who’s grown up with her since they were toddlers (he’s basically the son I never had) was getting picked on by this girl because of who he’s infatuated. So I guess he got fed up and told her, “ I don’t see how it’s any of your business”. And apparently she’s not the type of the person who takes confrontation very well. So she out of no where starts beating him with the lunch tray and swinging on him. And he just stood there and took it. But from what I was told my daughter hauled ass from across the cafeteria, and caught the girls hand mid swing, grabbed her by her neck, and slammed her on the floor. And my daughter being the spit fire she is yells in the girls face “touch him again I dare you. Do it again and I’ll fuck you up”. Then both of them were dragged away by the school cop and principal. End of the story my daughter and the girl were written up and suspended for four days. So my question is what do I do because my daughter doesn’t ever get in trouble this is her first referral since middle school, and I’ve always taught her to stand up for herself and for those who can’t. I just feel like I’m going against everything I’ve raised her up on if I punish her. And the thing that gets me is my daughter called me before the school even did and broke down crying on the phone telling me the whole story and how all everyone does is bully that boy because he’s different and she just got tired of it. I just don’t know what to do🤦🏽‍♀️.

Ps: Sorry for the misspelling and punctuation I’m rush typing this on the way to the school.