Not So Scheduled C Section


At my 36 week sonogram, we found out that baby was frank breech and that there was a low possibility that he would turn on his own. The doctors introduced the need for a c section if nothing had changed. My husband and I had envisioned a vaginal birth so it took us a few days to switch gears and accept the change in birth plan. In the end, we just wanted what was healthy for baby.

Baby never turned so we went ahead and scheduled a c section for May 28th at noon. On May 27th, I went into labor. My contractions went from 5 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart but I wasn’t dilated - body was ready to evict baby but baby wasn’t going anywhere. Luckily, the doctors agreed to do the c section that night at 11 pm and baby Hayes William Mudd was born on May 28th at 12:02 am. He is perfect.

Although everything didn’t go as planned, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. In hindsight, I’m happy I was able to experience contractions - props to all you natural birth mommas out there!! You are superstars.