FTM birth story....NOTHING went as planned!


I had such high hopes about my labor and delivery. My doctor told me that since I was so fit and active and crossfitted through out my whole pregnancy i would have an easy and quick delivery. Lol, nope!!

I was due on May 26th. At my 38+4 appointment I was 1cm and 70%. Doc asked me about induction and as over pregnancy as I was I said I'd wait until my 39+4 appointment and see where I was. Never made it to that appointment. On Sunday may 19th I got up at 2am to pee and when I got back in bed I felt a little squirt. I thought it was pee. When I rolled over later I heard/felt a pop and I thought shit, I'd better not stand up yet since I wanted to sleep a bit longer. When I did get up nothing happened so I thought I imagined it. I put on dry undies and went downstairs. After an hour I got up and was wet, but not super wet. Maybe like 2 tablespoons. I told my husband and we discussed going to the hospital. I said let's go to the movie we have tickets for and then stop by the hospital because I didn't think it was my water.

When we get to the hospital they examine me and said it was probably pee because they couldn't see a rupture but they tested me anyway and it came back positive as amniotic fluid so I was admitted. I was still 1cm and 70%. It was now 4pm on Sunday. They started me on cytotec at 6pm. At 10pm I got up to use the bathroom and my water broke for real! I was now at 3cm and 100%. I was so excited! They offered me an epidural and I said yes as I was already in pain but not crazy pain. I knew I wanted one lol. At 6am I was now at 4cm and they switched me to pitocin. After about half an hour they came running in and kept switching me sides saying her heart rate was dropping with each contraction. They took me off the pitocin. I then labored from 7am Monday to about 7pm Monday and never progressed past 7cm. They eventually started pitocin again but the same thing happened. She didn't like that stuff! They turned it off again at 9pm. At this point it had been 27 hours of active labor, and 35 hours since my water leaked. I was exhausted and in so much pain, the epidural didn't kill it all. Every contraction felt like my bladder was going to explode with the pressure! They told me I had to have a csection. I had been so against that from the beginning! It was the one thing I didn't want!! I asked to keep trying but they told me the baby couldn't keep it up much longer. After an epic meltdown on my part my husband and I agreed. I got the damn csection at 10:08 on Monday evening 5/20.

It was excruciating! I felt it when they started cutting me and told the anesthesiologist. He upped the drugs. I felt the laser. He upped the drugs. I felt everything even though he kept upping the drugs. The doctor even had to have people hold me down because I was screaming and writhing around. My poor husband didn't know what to do! Eventually I heard my daughter cry and I started bawling too! They gave me more drugs because of the pain and I passed out.

I got to hold her with my husband's help about an hour and a half later. Despite everything she is so worth it. I made this girl in my tummy and I am so in love!!!

The only thing being so active and fit did for me was speed up my recovery. My body is almost back to pre pregnancy and it only been 10 days!

Meet Arya Rose Venter. 7 pounds 1 ounce.