What is this HELP😭I’m sorry it’s a bit TMI


Hey guys I’m 9 weeks and 4days pregnant with my rainbow baby 👶🌈 and this morning I went to pee and I wiped and there was a bit of red blood on the toilet paper 🧻 now I don’t know if this is miscarriage or a problem in my uterus or what’s going on I’m freaking out I don’t want to lose this baby we finally got it right after 1 year and 3months of trying and continued miscarriages s

o I really hope and pray that this is not gonna end up as something bad but I have been having spotting now and then so I don’t know and my doctor can only help me the

8th Of June next week

so I don’t know what to think or do but the red blood stopped looks like. And I’m having cramping(or pressure)in my lower abdomen so can anyone maybe help ?