Opinions? Help!


I had a d&c after a miscarriage on May 3. Bleeding completely stopped a little while after my procedure. I bled VERY lightly last week for two days and only had to wear a pantyliner to control the bleeding. I thought this was my first period but I took a clearblue manual test and got a light positive, so the next day I took a first response and also got a light positive. That same day I got a positive urine pregnancy test at a pregnancy testing clinic but a negative at my primary care doc. My primary doc took blood and said I’d have the results monday. I’ve been taking first responses every day since Thursday when I took the first test and I think they’re getting slowly darker but I can’t tell. Should I possibly take another clearblue manual and see if that is darker? I was getting faint lines on all my tests but the one digital test I took said no. I ovulated based on my ovulation testing somewhere around the 18th of May. I don’t have a period coming that I can go off of if I miss it because I haven’t had a regular period since the miscarriage, just that light bleeding.

Here are my test, clearblue being the first I ever took. These are all in the span of about one day apart.

Clearblue: first test

Second photos with grey background in bathroom: second test

Blue linen background: the next test (next day)

White background: third test, yesterday