Am I wrong?

Me and my boyfriend lives together he lost his job a couple months back and was getting unemployment until he got another job which he didn’t know was part time as he say. So when he was getting unemployment we kept getting into arguments more mainly about bills. Because he would always come up broke because he’s always buying weed. Okay so I asked him to at least have 200 for rent every month. Didn’t bother him about anything else but that. Remind you I have bills on my own for myself. He agreed and still it was an argument because time come for rent he’s asking around for money and I don’t think that’s right he spends his check on himself then asking family for a hand for rent. Then he got that job I mentioned and his unemployment was cut short after awhile and let me remind you that at one point he was getting an unemployment check and was working at that part time job that they eventually cut off and he was getting paid WEEKLY for both. And he still kept having no money, no money saved towards rent not even a little. So now that his unemployment is gone he just have his part time job and he gets like 12-20 hours a week. And he just spends all his money. As for me I won’t even touch my money because I know it will have to be towards a bill so you minus well say I’m broke all the time to try and make ends meet and he spends money soon as it gets in his hand. Even though he doesn’t make much at all but he doesn’t try to make the situation better. I don’t even make alot. I be trying to buss ass at work to get hours but it’s hard because my job is on a budget with hours. I’m just so tired of this. He’s been trying to find a better job but it will still be the same problem most likely. Because even when he had a decent job we was late for rent because of him because he spent half his portion of the rent and I didn’t know until it was time to pay rent and I had already paid my other bills so we was late and had to pay more for being late. Oh and another thing he lost his wallet and I was trying to talk to him about going to get a new social security card and ID (they were in his wallet)while he have the time because he would have 3 to 4 days off and work like 4 hours a day so I was saying he should go get that taken care of just Incase a job calls he hasn’t did it and has an interview tomorrow.

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