TTC 43 after loss...need support


Hello. I am new to glow. I have been TTC after my rainbow baby passed in 2010. I had my tubes tied immediately after my 4th C-section unbeknownst to me that they knew he was not going to make it. (He suffered a stroke in utero)😭 The doctors selfishly tied my tubes and I had to wait 7 yrs to get them untied because I couldn't afford it. The Veterans Administration paid for my reversal in 2017. I have been TTC ever since. I have faced many obstacles sexually as I was raped by my ex spouse and then a bf. I finally found true love 💕😅and he wants me to conceive. Today is ovulation day but I feel like I already ovulated. I visualized the egg being fertilized and pray that I am pregnant. I desperately want another baby as I feel less than a woman not being able to get pregnant 😭. In need of support & prayers!