Need advice.

So I’m currently in a relationship with a professional athlete. We had to move out of the country since he signed with a different team. We get along well and don’t really have arguments but I’m struggling since I don’t make any money here and I’m currently 7 months pregnant. He makes a lot of money but it’s his money and he doesn’t share it with me and I don’t really ask him to. I’m starting to run out of the money i got here with and we’re here until November. He knows i don’t have any money. We need so many things for our daughter we just bought her clothes and I say we since I paid for half of her clothes and it was practically all of my money. As far as he’s concerned he says my parents will help me but he won’t. I currently don’t fit into any more of my clothes it’s way too tight on my belly since I’m growing week by week and he knows I don’t have money to buy any but he will scold me not to wear my tight leggings when I don’t have anything else to wear. I’m embarrassed that my parents are helping me when they shouldn’t be. I can’t get a job here since I don’t speak the language and I don’t have a working visa. He plans on staying here for the next 4 to 5 years. And I have no money and can’t work in what I went to school for. I don’t know if its my hormones and I’m worrying over nothing since we get along in every other way it’s just I’m really struggling financially and he’s perfectly fine. I think it’s just getting to me that I can’t work and I can’t get myself or my daughter anything I want to get since I don’t have a job or money to pay for it. I’m in South Korea by the way. I don’t live in an area with any foreigners there’s really no one that speaks English near us we have yet to meet anyone who speaks English.