Need advice please

I'm kinda freaking out a bit. I've been spotting on and off since my period, predicted ovulation is tomorrow and this morning when I wiped it was almost like I was on my period again with how much blood their was. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? At the moment there are a few small cramps but nothing bad and could be put down to being gassy.

It's been getting worse throughout the day and I'm not sure what to do. It's pretty much like I'm having a second period as I've had to use a pad while at work today too. My mum passed away 11 months ago so I can't ask her advice and I'm not even sure what kind of doctors I would go to about this. Could I have been pregnant and this is a miscarriage and my last period wasn't really one or was a start of the miscarriage? But it stopped for a few days and has been spotting until now so I'm so confused and worried.