

I am 13dpo. Have been having symptoms for at least a week-I am pretty in tune to my body. Been bloating (I rarely feel bloated), gassy, a bit tired but I do work and chase after a 12 and 2 yr old, hungry and my boobs have been crazy sore nonstop for awhile. I knew at 5 weeks with my first and around 3 weeks with my 2nd. My last period was May 6th, which puts my fertile time the week before Memorial Day. My husband and I BD on May 20th-thats the only date I would have conceived because the others were too early or way after the fact. We have been trying for a few months for #3 (desperately want our boy). Do you ladies think I could test now and would show up if I am? I tested a few days ago and got a neg but it may have been too early. I'm expecting AF Any Day and the wait is driving me insane. Any tips, hints or/and suggestions? Thank you ladies. BBD to you all!❤💞