My mother needs help

I'm sorry I know this is a <a href="">pregnancy app</a> but we desperately need help please all comments will be greatly appreciated.

Long story short, I live with my grandmother , lived here since I was born and my mom as well lives here since she was born and so has my sister. My husband, kids and I used to live in an apartment but when he stopped working we had to move to my grandma's. Everything was good up until my grandma let her homeless 50 something year old son come stay with us "for the winter" back in November. Fast forward we're now in June and he hasn't moved out . He's been causing problems ever since that are so bad we had to call the police yesterday . He played it cool but right when they leave calls my grandma an old bitch and fuck her religion, fuck you, etc . (Excuse the language) mind you my grandmother is almost 80 years old. He's been really mean to my mother who is disabled. Calls her (excuse my language again) you're a fat bitch, retarded, you will always be stupid, whore bitch , kill yourself, etc. Yesterday got into 3 arguments with her , he's pretty much blocking her room door with tape, screws furniture so she won't come out. Her room has a back door that leads to outside but pretty much he's blocking her way into the house. All because she locks her door so he won't come into her room. Saying she has no rights because she pays no bills around here mind you she pays the gas, TV's, phone,internet . While he only gives my grandma $100 a month. My mom and sister can't even go in the house, my sister was threatened by him telling her he's going to "break her jaw" all for defending my mother I'm scared of going inside and what's worse is I have to keep my 3& 4 year old kids locked in a room because for any reason he talks crap about them or threw there toys one time. He gets so loud it's scary I pretty much want to keep them away from that lunatic . He's trying to take over our house and my grandma does nothing to kick him out. Yesterday she called her daughter in law after the cops left saying she's scared and that he treatened to "burn down the house " he plays it smart by asking us to hit him which we don't. We even went earlier to the police station and they said we would have to put a restraining order on him / go to court. When the cops came he lied and told them my mom beats her mother which isn't true . The cops didn't do shit bc obviously no one was physically asaulted. For those who say "move out" it's not that easy. Rent is expensive here where we live and we don't have good credit . My husband's currently looking for a new job. My mom's social worker never answers. Is there any place / something we can do ? The person who needs to leave is HIM it's not his house ! My once happy place has become a living hell . We're prisoners in our own home . I believe my grandmother is scared . Scared he won't talk to her ever again scared he will sue her for kicking him out. We need desperate help :(