Where to go from here???


My boyfriend of 4.5 years and I had a great weekend together and amazing sex to follow. After a few drinks we hooked up and after amazing sex I asked him “Do you love me?” He just said “come on” then after a few moments “You’re so lovable” and hugged me.

He has never said it explicitly to me but our understanding for the last 2 years has been ‘why do we need to say it when we already know how we feel about each other’

Judging actions and the way he takes care of me and the way I take care of him I get the feeling that we love each other. I have the understanding that we have mutual love for each other because of the way we interact and spend much of our time together. I come from a family that operates in a way that is pretty closed off emotionally. We don’t say what we feel explicitly. I don’t express my emotions very openly often, but I do when I feel it’s necessary. He comes from the same type of dynamic.

I don’t know where to go from here? I love him but I don’t want to waste my time if he doesn’t feel the same way especially after 4.5 years. What would you do?