Am I the asshole? *long sorry please read I really need help*

To start let me say I harbor zero animosity towards the fact that my husband had to work. I'm a stay-at-home mom to a one year old and I'm happy that he pays the bills and everything like that. But I have zero friends. Well I have one friend but she has two kids, she is pregnant with her third and she has a full time job. So I dont really get time with other adults. I legitimately stay at home 6 days a week and do nothing other than stare at the walls, play with my son, and take care of him. Our family only has one car so while my husband is at work I dont even have a way to go anywhere. My city doesn't have taxi services or public transport at all. Zero. If he isnt at work he is either 1. Playing video games 2. On his phone and I cant even have a back and forth conversation with him because he is reading his memes or 3. Out with his friends. He doesn't really play with his son and then gets upset when he screams when he holds him.

So tonight really has me upset. Last night my husband didnt get home until 5am because he got off work and went bowling/played cards with his friends. Our son wakes up at 5am. So as soon as he walks in the door our kid wakes up and he goes to sleep. I have been telling him all week I will be selling my clothes because I really need new ones. I sold my whole wardrobe for 40$ and since the car was free I took it and went to goodwill. I get home pretty late because I stopped to see my parent's since it's my dad's day off. I knew my husband was going to be asleep all day so why should I rush home? He even said he didnt wake up until almost 1pm. So I got home at like 4:30 and he wants to go to his friend's house.

I decide okay I'm going with him because he asked me too and his friend made food. This was a 4 hour long get-together I was told "wouldn't be long" and of course our one year old is unhappy because its 8pm. I ask if we can leave but my husband says ,"you can leave anytime you want you know where the keys are." I responded ,"no I want you to come with me because I figured we would make some banana bread together which is why I got the pan. I just want to spend time as a family." And then he turns it on me and asks ,"well if spending time with me was so important where was you today?"...... like I feel like he passively tried to guilt trip me because I needed clothes from goodwill because he trips out anytime I spend money on myself. He knew I was going to get shirts and then he turned around and used it as counter ammo when this has been an issue for a long time. Am I the asshole for asking my husband to spend less time on his phone and with his friends to put us as a family unit priority?