Should I break up with him ?


My bf is amazing in every regard except that he is cheap and does not contribute to house chores. It is our first relationship and we have been together for almost 2 years. 1) At the beginning, for 2 months I paid for most dates (i would offer - caltural) and he would never refuse. One time, he took too long to buy cereal and offered to pay. He got 5 and I had to pay. It got better but I still feel like he is very cheap. I don't care what he does to others but don't want him to be cheap with me. I told him I would buy whatever he wants for his birthday. And he choose 2 items (worth 490) but the next month for my birthday the value of his gift was less than 100 (but very thankful gifts) the problem is that it keeps happening. I asked for one date a month where he pays and he is passed due for 3 months in a row (other times we split every penny)

2. I just got intro to his parents and they didn't like me because of my ethnicity but starting to like me. I learned that his parents don't tell the sons to do anything. The mom and the sister cooks , cleans and laundry. Now I understand why in the past year he has been in my apartment almost every day. He has helped me clean the apartment once and the second time i had to cry to show him how important it is for him to clean. I have had his laundry among my laundry every single time. He never did laundry or cleaned the house the next time.

These small things bothers me sooo much. Especially when he brings excuses like I have study blah bah.

Now the good parts:he is very clean. Is teaching me a lot. Is honest, loves me and everything I want in man but I escaped a country where women are the house-maid. it is very important that my partner contribute equally.

What makes me what to break up is that he didn't take it seriously and didn't put a lot of effort to change (changed a little bit) .

My family is very conservative so I have to fight them if I want this guy but is he worth it ?